Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think he has brownish hair....

I keep dreaming about Madden. The dream goes the same pretty much every time. I have him up on my shoulder feeling his sweet baby breath on the crook of my neck. I am patting and rocking him waiting for a burp but instead get what I call a "ten-mile-sigh". You mama's out there know exactly what I'm talking about. Its the moment your new little one takes a series of deep breaths followed by a sigh and you know they-are-totally-asleep. I'm talking milk coma. Change a diaper and they don't even notice asleep. When my babies do the ten-mile-sigh and slip into their milk comas I have an instant reaction to kiss them behind their heads towards the back of their necks and just hold my kiss a second to smell them. I hang on to these moments like my last breath because I know they go far to fast and are far too few. Madden in my dreams has dark blonde hair, its almost brown. The dream feels so real I can almost feel his hair tickle my nose. I wake up feeling overwhelmed with a happiness and love that newborns bring and eyes full of tears and a heart full of hope and dreams of memories to be made.

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