Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The big squeezes.

This afternoon my uterus decided to go haywire and out of control on the contraction front. I haven't slept in three nights because of kidney pain and pretty much throwing up every time I put something in my mouth. It was as if my body knew I really needed a nap, you know the way a newborn senses you've just fallen asleep or you've just sat down to eat. Anyway, Mimi headed out with the boys to the park and probably no sooner than she pulled out of the driveway the monsters started pounding me. One after the other after the other...I started guzzling water to make them stop. I tried a warm cloth over my belly because I can't soak in a tub (thank you stupid tube). That didn't work and neither did guzzling. So, after three hours of being in denial that they weren't chilling out and calming down I called the OB and she said exactly what I didn't want to hear. "Go into L&D now". I was contracting 4-5 minutes apart, which totally sucked. By the time we got there I was vomiting about every 15 minutes too. It took 4 attempts to get an IV in and get fluids running. I got three rounds of terbutaline to stop contractions which thankfully the third shot worked so no mag this time (woohooo!!). Anyway i left the hospital with baby boy still stowing away in my cranky uterus and four very wicked bruises. Hopefully Friday the very nice lady, the anesthesiologist who finally got a line on me on the first try too, will remember me and work her skills again. Here is just one of the nasty bruises that line my arm. I have 3-4 dotting each arm.

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