Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No bad news, is GOOD news...

This morning Madden decided he needed a little excitement and to give me some cardiac exercise. He was breathing pretty fast for a while and hadn't fed well for the night feeds and was pretty fussy. I called the Dr. L, the Pulmonologist, at 9 when they opened and he wanted us to go to the ER. So we did. Me, Prestlee & Madden hauled off to the ER to get checked out. We got there and his o2 was down but came up. He got an x-ray right away that showed the pneumothorax on the left was NO worse percentile wise. So that was GREAT news. Also, there were no new spots or leaks!! The x-ray was done in a different view than the previous ones so Dr. L warned against being too excited because it was comparing apples to oranges because the views were not the same. But, still I am very hopeful that things are resolving, and hey no bad news is good news!

After our little ER trip, we headed straight for the Pediatrician because Madden had his re-check today for weight (it's important to use same exact scale) , oxygen and his belly button cauterization.

He weighed a whole entire half ounce more than on Monday, which wasn't what she had hoped for but was better than losing!! Typically newborns gain at least close to an ounce daily. But considering what he is going through and has been through not going backwards is a milestone to me! Then she did an over all check to which he is just PERFECT ;) (why, of course he is!!) She monitored his oxygen for a while which showed what it always does. He has desaturations still, and the brady's recovers on his own in an "acceptable" amount of time. He did one of his breath holding episodes in front of the doctor so she is trying to arrange for home monitoring with the insurance company to keep a check on that. It would sure help me sleep better not worrying about waking up to find him, well...that is just to scary to type.

After all that he had to have the belly button burned or cauterized to seal off that spot that didn't dry out/clot right. She said it wouldn't hurt but his SCREAMS told me otherwise. He screamed and screamed. Poor baby. It's just not fair how much this poor boy has been tortured in his tiny little life. I felt so awful for him. Afterwards we came home and just snuggled in the quiet the rest of the day.

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